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Niektóre są bardziej ciężkie, inne nieco bardziej skomplikowane. There was a different scene in Minneapolis, there was a different scene in DC with the whole Discord label and bands like Minor Threat and then another scene in Athens, GA, which was totally different. So, I guess I would talk about what the music world was like before the World Wide Web and how the Web changed everything. Na płycie znalazły się tylko 2 zespoły, które miały już wcześniej jakiekolwiek nagrania na swoim koncie: Green River i U-Men. Jest od dawna na mojej liście must-see, ale jeszcze nie miałam okazji go obejrzeć. Well, it was a hard year, for a lot of reasons. Ale ostatecznie myślę, że nie ma takiej rzeczy, która utrzymałaby Skin Yard razem przez tak długi czas. Looking back then, with the knowledge and experience that you have now, would you do something in a different way with Deep Six promotion? W tamtym czasie sprzedaż Deep Six osiągnęła względnie zadowalający poziom w Seattle i okolicach, ale w perspektywie ogólnokrajowej wyniki były raczej rozczarowujące. Yes, sure. Wydawanie płyt w wersjach fizycznych kosztuje już dziś zarówno za dużo wysiłku, jak i za dużo pieniędzy. Our drummer Scott was young, and he had a very hot head, he was a fiery drummer, and he was a fiery personality as well, and as a result there was a lot of tension in the band, internally. My Fault.

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What do you think — where did this grungy, heavy sound come from? To coś z naszych pierwszych nagrań z Mattem Cameronem. Szkarłatna kraina łagodności. According to the poster it was exactly this order on your day and Melvins, then Soundgarden and Green River as a headliner on day 1. Interpretacja piosenki. It had its 35th anniversary on March 21… It has been 35 years already? He explores the obstacles that today's best young jazz musicians face following the giants of earlier generations and the dwindling opportunities to make a living as a musician. Mieliśmy limitowaną liczbę biletów na obie noce, dodatkowo każdy z zespołów miał limitowaną ilość osób, które mógł wpisać na listę gości.

Tekst piosenki

Lounge Skit. Administratorem Twoich danych osobowych jest Dressler Dublin Sp. Siedem 51,4k. Wytwórnia chciała przede wszystkim zabezpieczyć możliwie jak najwięcej nagrań zespołu żeby móc w pełni je kontrolować. I jeszcze jedna grupa z Londynu — King Crimson. And another band from London — King Crimson. Creatively Ben and I wanted to do different things, he wanted to be more like Gruntruck, and I wanted to stay a band that was still doing more adventurous music, pushing the boundaries. Ostatni europejski koncert, który miał miejsce w listopadzie, był ostatnim koncertem, jaki zespół kiedykolwiek zagrał. Skąd, Twoim zdaniem, wziął się ten brudny, ciężki styl? We were now on the cover of every magazine in America, every newspaper, every news show on television wanted a piece of us. I była to najgorsza trasa na świecie. Bad Meets Evil. Lub dodaj całkowicie nową interpretację - dodaj interpretację. Deep Six, album cover At that time Deep Six sales were decent in and around Seattle but nationally the record sales results were rather a disappointment. And then people discovered Mother Love Bone, again on a major label, and then they go back in time and start digging around to find out who the band was before.

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  • Już nie jesteśmy organiczną, naturalną sceną muzyczną tylko stajemy się towarem, na którym wszyscy dookoła chcą zarobić.
  • Jak wspominasz proces powstawania Deep Six i dwu-wieczorowy koncert z okazji wydania albumu w UTC Hall Seattle 21 i 22 marca roku?
  • I'm Shady.
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The Deep Six compilation has become legendary for the Seattle music scene as one of first and one of the most important records in the history of grunge. It had its 35th anniversary on March 21…. It has been 35 years already? There were only 2 bands on the compilation that actually had released something previously: one was Green River and second was the U-Men. With such perspective of time — 3 and a half decades later — how do you evaluate this album? So, when it came out not that many people bought it. There were copies and I think everybody in the various bands got maybe three or four each. Probably in Seattle maybe another were sold and that was pretty much it. Chris also had started the studio at that time and he had all these boxes of records stuffed underneath his bed. Nobody was buying them; he was maybe selling 5 or 10 at a time at record stores. He spent a lot of money putting together the recordings and putting together the pressing and he realized pretty quickly that he had no interest in running a record label anymore. These were the early days of Skin Yard and I was very interested in recording and releasing music. While Chris had a waning interest, I had a lot of it, so I basically took over the label from him, bought all of the inventory, all the records and I preceded to work on selling them and getting distribution. I think it took me probably 3 or 4 years to finally sell through most of those records. Even though it was probably only or left, it took that long. Now everyone wants to have it. So, from business point of view, it became successful, but it would be many, many years later. With one exception — my own band. Skin Yard was probably the youngest band on the compilation, we had barely been around at the time and I guess we were still figuring out who we were as a band.

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Author: Shajas

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